Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Are The Shreks Babies Names

Antonella Santone

Good morning everyone Today we begin the day with a nice interview with Antonella Santone author of the novel "The Secret of Susan"

Before beginning the novel shows you found my review HERE

Title: The Secret of Susan
Author: Antonella Santone
Publisher: Montecovello (third edition)
Pages: 180


of In London 'fascinating era Victorian during the industrial revolution as a backdrop to the story, Susan is torn between two great loves, who does not want to give up.
Everything revolves around a secret that the young star can not reveal his will, because it was blackmailed by a wicked and ruthless man and the reader is left to the end in a suspense continues.
Based on a true story, the novel in some places it is touching and moving, in other ironic, as telling a camera across the board, customs and costumes 800 English and highlighting the huge difference between the two social classes : the working class that bordered the survival and the nobility, on the contrary, and sported a huge wealth which was given absolute power, even on people's lives.

And here the conversation with the author:

1) Who is' Antonella Santone? I consider myself an artist

360 °: Since adolescence, I ventured into acting, dancing, singing (which is still practical) and especially in the writing than to cultivate the reading parallel to which, among ' another, it is essential to gain a good grasp of dialectics and language.
I am a simple solar but with refined tastes, I love to experiment with new experiences and living life at 100% without leave behind no stone unturned, you never have to complain of having lost some good time!

2) "THE SECRET OF SUSAN 'AND' DREAM OF A CHILD WHO HAS 'MADE. Tell us your experience as a writer just thirteen years old.

The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a story, a novel, was born by chance at school an hour of recreation. Suddenly I had a tremendous inspiration and I started to see some scenes in my mind of a hypothetical story, set in 800 clearly in England or France. I remember that I wrote in one month to hand in all the history divided into ten chapters and called it "secret dreams".
I was very proud to have written and have dreamed of publishing it.


My father was the classic father-master "but that law in the family loved me very much and always tried to pave the road but from his point of view though! In fact, he never acknowledged my varied artistic skills, and when I asked him to help find a publisher, he snubbed me ridendomi face. "We have a writer in the family ..." he thought out loud and that was for me like a stab.
confess that at first I had a grudge against my father and so much anger at the fact that I would help her. And 'as if he had issued a challenge: to be able to achieve my "dream" as soon as I became independent, and this happened five years later.
Now that many years have passed since then and my father is gone, if I could talk to him I thank him for making me understand that in life the rewards the best are those that are obtained and fighting that I dedicate this book and all those who write!


Being fatalistic I firmly believe that nothing is by chance. One day while watching TV, I was struck by advertising a course in creative writing to files so I decided to try. Once the collection I have studied self-taught how to write a book then I picked up the manuscript to fix it a little thinking 'instead of rereading it I realized that the structure of the story did not have a logical thread.
I had the courage to eliminate all taking only the setting and some good character. At that point I needed a inspiration for the plot of a new story and I thought "If it's destiny will find him or this book will remain the dream of a child." Shortly after my friend told me a story happened to a lady in his youth he knew that that day had confided to her: I accidentally found at the heart of my story.
That summer, while I was on the seashore, I got the inspiration to build the plot of the story from beginning to end after the holidays and I immediately began to write with the idea of \u200b\u200blooking after a house publisher willing to publish it.


that true love, not like that between Susan, a girl of a noble people and go, always manages to overcome every obstacle.
Then there is the sincere message of friendship like that between the cook and Susan Yvonne. Only the fact of her protagonist confides his secret, some that will never be betrayed, and last but not least, there is a message of forgiveness as an act of sublime that heals old wounds and not all are able to put into practice, but not always.


The idea to take a movie I already had while I was writing the text of the story, therefore, after publishing a novel I started looking for a director and a producer. Unfortunately this is a period film and some shots have to be made abroad as a result production costs will be considerable. For this reason many directors who I contacted, they gave me their availability only if I had found the necessary funding.
One day a colleague of mine told me that he had a part in a movie so I asked him to get in touch with the director but he glosses my request. A few years later I met him randomly the bar and I was natural to ask the film. Proudly informed me the film was shot and even that was awarded abroad. I then asked him the title and the following day on the Internet and not only found the name of the director but also all his contact details so I contacted him proposing to read the text to evaluate a possible film adaptation.
He read it in one day, remaining enthusiastic and said that the film that would excite adults and adolescents. So we decided to write the screenplay together and look for sponsors.
If the project goes through, I hope, then I can say to be happy and excited. For now I just say that "if they are roses flourish. "

7) Do you have other literary productions "ON SITE"?

I am completing two books: one is an essay / autobiography on the theme of reincarnation story where some powerful experiences of my life around forty, enriched with many memories and reflections. The title is: "MY LIFE, MY LIVES. It tells an old soul. " It 's a book that is deep and introspective meditation on the meaning of life, whose inspiration came after a funnel (Channeling) with which I got in contact through a medium with a disembodied Entity that in a previous life had a relationship with me. And 'I think was the most beautiful and moving experience I've ever done in my life!
The other is a novel written for four hands. The title is "30's. True stories in Milan today. " Through the intertwining stories of three girls and a boy, tells how he lives the youth of today, with all its problems, experiences and try those yet to be tested, and existential crises that love, but basically, the fear to stand out flight to finally become adults.

8) NEL 2005 you had to fight to overcome breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy and radiation CYCLES exhausting. STORIES THAT YOU ARE ABLE TO FIND THE "SIDE POSITIVE DISEASE. Would you like to share with? In

autobiography MY LIFE, MY LIVES I devoted an entire chapter to the disease that struck me so hard, but fortunately I have also passed with flying colors, thanks to creative writing to which I owe a lot!
E 'was a difficult test, a good blow, but I managed to grasp the positive side of that situation that have six months to devote to the writing of my book, I started a few months earlier and thus have the possibility of being able finish.

9) It 'difficult for the writers found a publishing firm would publish?

more difficult that it is almost impossible for the real publishing houses, namely, those who publish without asking a fee, that promote and support the author and national distribution of his works.
In all other cases we speak of "disguised as printers, publishers" that is NOT FREE publishers in their network, very often the authors fall newcomers, eager to see their work published and without realizing that doing so would not only spend a lot of money ( from € 1,500.00 to € 3,000.00 or more) you probably never recover even further risk of damage their curriculum because the publishing houses to publish all payments, however, without editing or proofreading, key stages of the revision of a text, to correct any kind of mistake and to fix the typo and weaknesses in order to make it as perfect as possible, knowing that then will be judged and criticized by readers that in the press.
My advice is to ask right away if you ask the publisher or waived, in any form, to publish a novel and not to sign the contract proposal immediately but calmly explore, possibly making use of advice from a lawyer or an expert in publishing, such as Literary agencies which offer the assessment service also author of the text and if they consider it valid to offer publishers series.


a little girl I loved the yellow and adventure books then I started devouring romance novels that speak of love.
Recently I read in one breath and the Ramses saga of Harry Potter after being keen also to Faletti's Thriller and the Millennium trilogy. Currently I read everything that deals with issues of personal interest for leisure or for business reasons.

11) One last question: can you imagine HOW YOUR LIFE BETWEEN TEN YEARS? Assuming

to survive to 2012, when some expect the end of the world, I hope to have made a change in my life: my dream it would be able to do the job of writing full time and you never know what surprises may be reserved for life ...

Thank you for being our guest and we wish you a big good luck!


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