Monday, March 14, 2011

Best Laptop Soundcard


Hello everyone, today we begin the day with a particular book, we talk about poetry and to do that with us ... host of The End of the Dream there will also be the author Michael Zanarella

Title: Sensual love poems to love
Author: Michael Zanarella
Genre: poetry collection
Publisher: Editions Sangel 2011

The author

Zanarella Michael was born in Cittadella (Padua) on 07/01/1980.
began writing poetry in 2004. Culture and personality of local poets realize his natural talent to express that puts life in verse.
Gets immediate positive results already in the field of poetry with a variety of national and international awards. Gets published in several anthologies of poetry in general circulation.
publishes its first collection of poetry entitled "Credo" with the cultural association MeEdusa and get immediate success by critics and readers that they achieve a national circulation of a thousand copies.
actively participated in the dissemination and understanding of poetry as a means of communication is an element of high culture in the debate among young people.
It 'been host of the radio show hosted by Rosanna Perozzo on Radio Cooperativa di Padova. Some specific articles of his poetic vocation are found in newspapers such as the Mattino di Padova, the Gazzettino di Padova, Padova, the voices of Berici.
He participated in the TV show "Poets and Poetry" by Elio Pecora Televita up in Rome.
"Awakening", ed. New Poets, is his second poetry collection.
has published the third book of "life, infinite paradise" ed. Weird in June 2009.
In December 2009, GDS Publishing publish his first collection of stories entitled "Convivendo with the clouds "that gets widely disseminated on the web.
has participated as a member of the jury to award "Intoxicated with poetry, 2009" organized by Irene Sparagna. Took third place in the category "poetry published" premium "Memorial Gennaro Sparagna 2009." It was the Commission of the International Jury of the "City of Torvaianica" 2010. various interviews talking about his vocation as a poet.
Three of his poems are published on the official site of Pier Paolo Pasolini and two poems are in the official website of Alda Merini. writes articles and interviews in various newspapers online.


" SENSUALITY 'that surrounds the READER, slowly fascinates AND CAPTURE IN VORTEX THE MEANING OF LOVE. "

A smiling face that expresses joy and positivity. A write deep you can touch to the soul. This is Michael Zanarella , author of the collection "Poems Sensual love to love. "

All his poetry is about love with a rhythm and a cadence that makes it nice and easy to read.

Love seen from different perspectives, without constraints, which reaches to touch the eroticism without ever falling into vulgarity.

Michael has really managed to impress on paper, with its wonderful ways to love love that we all want to live.

So many people talk about you ....

of Gilbert Parascheva

Zanarella Speaking of Michelle, a poet and journalist Padua, but almost Roman, for me, besides being a huge honor it is also pleasure because, as "our" write poems just a half-dozen years has achieved the skill of "Uncle" (as at least, fun and affectionate, she calls me) he writer of articles and poems ... at least six decades, and has reached the point where, perhaps, not feel up to judge the "niece"!
"The profile of yourself" as well as "The pleasure that looks out" really makes you feel something between her thighs and then eat it like a pleasure to enjoy because it is really a great enjoyment of the sight and the heart to read this wonderful anthology entitled "Sensuality"!
Beautiful is love "naked and unrestrained children" (see "Staring at the river mature") and "Love beyond the heart really feel the smell of your skin that makes you dream that she has no need for expensive perfumes and cosmetics and" Intimacy of a Kiss "is passed to those who read these words (but certainly also someone who lived and then written), "a parade of creeps" to the point that, "just the intersection of the languages \u200b\u200bof earth and the sky background as if by magic.
"Self-Girls" because - as another Canadian poet, Marleine Pigeon, love has no age and the two lovers (to use the same words of Zanarella) immeasurably go for a walk in (but better " with ") according to infinity!
Michael Brava! Your wonderful anthology touches eroticism but certainly without the slightest shadow of vulgarity, even though some of the twenty-eight poems, there seems to be the "paw" masculine.
probably because the writer (or as Michael says "uncle") a man of another era, has not yet been convinced that the woman has reached parity, if not even surpassed the man! (Gilbert Parascheva)

And here we are .....

Hello Michael, welcome to the blog "The End of the Dream "....

1) You are known as a writer of poems, but who he is and what makes Michael Zanarella in everyday life?

In everyday life I am a girl who devotes himself to writing, I deal with the press offices for theatrical and literary events.
Who am I? I often ask myself this question almost to question my identity.
I believe and I hope to be a simple and honest person with myself and to others, yet to discover the many sides of himself, like many a woman who every day are at stake to better face the reality.
I would do much more, constantly improving, but I know I can not expect too much and I have to be grateful for every moment that I may live.

2) How did your passion for the world of poetry?

My encounter with the poem was a surprise of destiny. I started writing poetry after a serious car accident.
To start life anew, to return the smile, I instinctively tried to throw my feelings on paper and from that moment I chose poetry for a walk together.

3) The title "Sensual love poems of love" is clear. But you explain to readers such feelings and try to send messages with your written?

I chose a subject that many poets have known and unknown dealt with, love.
seem easy to write of love, but it is not. Unraveling the secrets of the heart, get naked intimately experience was quite difficult for me, who are basically shy. I wanted to dedicate the collection "Sensuality" first and foremost to my companion, and then to all people make a special gift of their lives.
's love in my book is not intended only as a feeling of love, but it has a universal value and expands all forms of emotion that can give a calm and stability for body and soul.

4) It 'hard to find a publisher willing to publish poetry? How the selling market?

publishing houses in Italy there are many, you'll be spoiled for choice.
As I always say we must be able to choose their own work.
I was lucky enough to find a publisher who supports me in everything that I asked for contributions for publication. With Sangel there is a mutual respect and trust, was created not only a professional collaboration, but also a deep friendship.
Although poetry is considered uncommercial, the publisher has agreed to engage in the publication of my new collection and are satisfied with everything we are getting.
The sales market for poetry is relatively encouraging, but I think that you should always believe and love what you do, regardless of the copies sold.

5) What do you think of the publishing phenomenon of charge?

Publishing fee is the "mortification" of artistic appreciation. Unfortunately I have to admit that I have in the past paid to be published, having been the beginning of my literary experience, poorly informed and inexperienced in this field. Maturing, I understand that there are actually publishing that allow the realization of their books for free.

6) Any short-term projects in Serbia for your readers?

There will be performances of my poetry recitals and other presentations of my book "Sensuality" in the cultural spaces of Rome and province.

7) Do you spend just to love poetry or adept with stories or novels?

addition to poetry I also dedicate it to the stories, interviews and articles for various newspapers online, including the Italian journal. In 2009 I published a short story collection "Living with the clouds," GDS Publishing, which has received good feedback on the web.
The novel is being worked on, I hope to complete it as soon as possible.

8) One last question: how do you imagine your life in 10 years?

In ten years, forty years ... who knows I like and what I will do it. I hope to continue and scirvere maintain a certain inner peace as today.

A big good luck to all of us !!!!!


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