A modern fairy tale, full of love and magic that has won hundreds of thousands of readers worldwide
A masterpiece from the writer of "The scent of lavender bread (2008 )....
(soon, of course, light!)
Title: Days sugar strawberries and snow
original title: The Sugar Queen
Author: Sarah Addison Allen
Publisher: Sonzogno
pages: 288Una

"The magic radiates from every day life in this moving story of love and friendship" USA TODAY
the author:
Sarah Addison Allen was born and raised in North Carolina. He made his debut as a writer by publishing, under a pseudonym, a number of romance novels.
With "The scent of lavender bread," the first novel for the general public (Sonzogno, 2008), has achieved success.
After this second book, topped the U.S. charts and translated into over 15 languages, the author is considered one of the most talented stars of the international bestseller.
Recensionee thought
Questoromanzo is like a maze, when you think you've found the viad'uscita for happiness .... .... ... ... on the contrary you ritornaresui your steps ....
Ladolce protagonist of this story, enigmatic, Josey is unicafiglia of a wealthy family and "respected" thought averscoperto, sadly, his place in the world, a life without leisure and Diliberto The only happiness that is still hiding, cones and sweet romances, in her room.
Maun day, like many, a mysterious woman appears element in his life will open your eyes, from that moment nothing will be lostesso, you will never be the same ....
" .... She would not pining for him as a girl scioccacon heart as soft as a summer fruit"
Things can be said of "Days of strawberries and sugar snow ".... Be eccoavete this a beautiful birthday cake, all those ricopertedi cream with chocolate and a few sketches of grit .... buonavero !....
is this novel, is like a cake, luscious gustosoche make your mouth water, page after page, a love story written in a diamicizia and appetizing, with a touch of magic to the cotton candy it never hurts ...
Icaratteri, feelings and emotions of the characters is palpable, I personally I love them all, even if the miapreferita Chloe is a simple girl, strong and with great desire diriscattare his personality and which never hurts ...
èperseguitata books ...
Leambientazioni are soft, so that as you read this novel, tisembra to sink into a world made of marzipan .... without the ridiculous maicadere addresses two important issues comel'amore and friendship that hide within them a grandemistero !!!.....
Senon you have not yet understood Highly recommended!!
(the greedy .... stianoattenti ^ ^)
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