Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Best Genital Male Piercing

The tyrant Cameron Christian

epopeadi The hero of love and death, glory and defeat, danger and presagidivini against the backdrop of ancient Athens
first graduation episode of a fascinating trilogy, for a movie soon adiventare
Title: The tyrant
Author: Cameron Christian
Publisher: Newton Compton
pages: 300
ISBN: 9788854127463
(American cover)

Kineasè a Young Athenian knight. He fought bravely alfianco of Alexander the Great against the Persians, but to return home loattendono the disgrace and exile. His father is dead against him last summer issued a sentence for having fought on the side delcondottiero Macedonian bitter enemy of Athens. Left without family without patriae, Kineas accepts the only opportunity vieneofferta that him and his faithful soldiers to serve in Olbia edel its tyrant in order to obtain citizenship one day. But prestoscoprirà that the "happy city" is in the hands of rich businessmen epoliticanti unscrupulous committed to weave their plots in bloody unalotta for power. Altiranno torn between loyalty, loyalty to his men and the love for a woman, Kineas will appeal to all his courage and his sense digiustizia to escape death and darkness that threatens to invaderela his soul.

great. You will not have time to read the second episode. "
Huddersfield Daily Examiner

the Tyrant series
1. Tyrant (America 2008 )- Il tiranno (Italia 2011)
2. Storm of Arrows (America 2009)
3.Funeral Games (America  2010 )
4.King of the Bosporus (America 2011)
The American cover of the other three novels

The author
CHRISTIANCAMERON, storiamilitare expert, lives in Toronto. After a career as an officer in marinastatunitense decided to devote himself to fiction. Along with suopadre, Cameron Kent, is the author of an acclaimed series of thrillerfirmati Gordon Kent. Iltiranno is the first episodiodi cha has a fascinating new trilogy starring the Athenian hero Kineas.


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