After waiting over four years (the last job, Hail to the Thief, was released in June 2003), Radiohead have finally fired their seventh effort: In Rainbows, the title of new album the band of Oxford, is officially released on 10 October and, as expected, the success was immediately evident. Up to here nothing strange about the event itself seems like every release of a disc, loved by his fans and gone unnoticed to those who do not eat passion for Radiohead. Yet in this case we are faced with something new: For the first time an established band in the world decides to do without a record company behind us and decided to self-financing. The new album by Thom Yorke and members is available only as downloads, to make sure the user does not need to do is register on the official website of the English band and offer a free quota, but only one pound. Without this the album is available, and attention because it is a copy of "fake", since a few days later the band will send by mail to those who gave their trust to the original cover of the CD with lyrics and unseen photographs. Some may say that a band like Radiohead is extremely rich can afford to do such a thing, but the speech that I would like to discuss my extensive (Mah ..) is another user: if all the music bands decide to do as the Radiohead what would be the future of record companies? What would market a CD at a price of 20 € when a user with a passion for music can easily (and mostly free) to download the song on the internet? In fact, the theme is not so original after all previously existed and still exist, programs like E-mule or WinMX that allow you to download music for free. The difference is that in such cases is almost illegal but what Radiohead have done is absolutely legal, and son of a choice that may involve a financial sacrifice but also the ability to attract more attention to itself. It is no coincidence that the spokesman for EMI, Radiohead's former record label among other things, said he was very concerned about the recent events. We'll see what the future holds ... If the disk is good? Beautiful, perhaps the best they ever made, then what are you waiting? Download it! ( http://www.inrainbows.com/ ) Also if you like Radiohead, of course ...
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